"We are the product of 4.5 billion years of fortuitous, slow biological evolution. There is no reason to think that the evolutionary process has stopped. Man is a transitional animal. He is not the climax of creation." - Carl Sagan The Cosmic Connection
It is interesting, however, to examine how something on which both sides agree has caused so much disagreement. Aside from the central question of whether creation or evolution is correct, the most serious area of conflict between the biblical account and the evolutionary scenario is the chronological framework of history; in other words, is the earth young or old? While a young universe and earth present absolutely no problem for a creationist, a young universe is a killer to every variety of the evolutionary model.
A simple, straightforward reading of the biblical record indicates that the entire cosmos was created in six days only a few thousand years ago. Opposed to that view, of course, is the idea of evolutionary theorists that the universe is 8-20 billion years old, and that the earth is almost 5 billion years old. Further complicating matters is the fact that the biblical record indicates living things were placed on the newly created earth even before the end of the six-day creative process (for example, the animal kingdom was created on day five). According to evolutionary theory, however, primitive life forms evolved from nonliving chemicals roughly 3.5-4.0 billion years ago, with all other life forms developing gradually during the so-called geologic ages. Man, in one form or another, then arrived on the scene approximately 2-3 million years ago.
Even to a casual observer, it is apparent that this difference of time scale is no small problem. Much of the controversy today between creationists and evolutionists revolves around the age of the earth. A large part of that controversy centers on the fact that there is no compromise that will permit the old-earth/young-earth scenarios to coexist; the gulf separating the biblical and evolutionary views on the topic of the age of the Earth is just too large.
There is ample scientific evidence to indicate that such a long time scale is not available, and that the earth is relatively young, not extremely old. That evidence needs to be examined and considered, although in certain scientific circles the idea of a young earth may be considered unthinkable. Without great, incomprehensible, immeasurable stretches of time to fall back on, evolutionists would be sitting ducks for the barbed queries of even the most naïve among us. Time is the evolutionists' sanctuary from the slings and arrows of logic, scientific evidence, common sense, and the simple math involved. Usually long time periods of the past are explained and "proven" using scientific dating methods. However, the confirmed uncertainties about scientific dating are a well-kept secret. The average person reading his newspaper or magazine gets the clear impression that dating is a science that is exact and very accurate. It isn't. Since no one can envision ten thousand years-much less a half-million or a million years-"scientists" can hide behind the two thousand millions of years that they say evolution took, and they can hide there fairly easily.
Evolutionists believe that life was sparked from chemical compositions by chance. Scriptures proclaim a different source for all life on earth.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. John 1:1-4
Jesus created everything and nothing was created without Him. Life came from Him and that life is the light of each one of us.
In the United States evolutionary theories have been taught to the masses for over forty years. It is difficult to overthrow a belief that has been taught as "scientific truth" for so long. And it is especially difficult to overthrow such a concept when an entire world-view is based upon it. Yet when all the evidence is considered, it does not bode well for the evolutionists' claims of an ancient universe.
There are many views that espouse a young earth. One of the strongest arguments for a young earth comes from the field of population kinetics. Without going into detail, the argument from population statistics may be stated as follows. Using the following equation: |