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It is our sincere desire to make NuggetNetReview your Favorite Corner News Stand.

It takes approximately 2 hours+ every morning and another 2 hours+ mid-afternoon to filter through our growing list of 150+ sites and over 1,500+ articles to bring you what NNR news considers the 'Best Picks'.

Our focus is providing quick reference headlines for finding articles related to end time events as understood in scripture. The development of end time prophecy over years can seem a slow process for those living during the development, but keeping a watch of the progress through related events and being prepared is scripturally sound.

Understanding "Who's Behind" different world and local decision making issues, can be similar to the known phrase "Follow The Money". So if you're regularly following Who supports Who in world events, you can easier understand how end time world events are lining up.

Along with the more serous news, there will also be times we'll include light-hearted articles or something to make you smile, or news about technical gadgets of world interest.

...And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.   
                                                                         Matthew 24:6-7

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Future Thoughts

Part of NuggetNetReview's Service is to find and collect interesting End Time related news from several sources so you won't have to, saving you research time.

Even though the news can be found for free, the research, collection, and convenience to provide the type of news in quick reference daily nuggets that makes NNR what it is, would be considered a service.

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Scripture Suggestions

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Just so you'll know, we've added a quick-menu at the top of every chapter to help you navigate around easier.

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The Story of the Bible Suggestions

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Revelation Timeline Suggestions

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*Please Note: All suggestions will be read, but remember, some may like one direction, and others may like it a different direction, so we'll do our best to find a happy balance for all. Thank you for your valuable input, and thank you for visiting

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